Wednesday 23 March 2011

My favourite pieces from Pick Me Up Graphic Art Fair, 2011

Greetings all! It's been a hectic couple of weeks over here, and there's lots to share. Firstly, the owl painting that I was making for my two good friends is complete! I'll be sharing that very soon, but first I need to find a scanner big enough to fit it on... I am pleased with how it turned out, and more importantly so are the soon-to-be-owners. I have also been working on an entry for the AOI and TFL River Thames Competition, which (thank god) has had the deadline extended to Tuesday 29th March. It's still a pretty tight schedule but nonetheless I'm hopeful that I can submit a good piece in time to get a pop at that £2000 first prize. Wish me luck!

With all this hard work going on, there has not been nearly enough socialising in my life lately. So me and a gang of my fellow students from Westminster Illustration (Jo Cheung, June Chanpoomidole, Emily Bakes, Chrissy Wallace, and VybeInk) teamed up with illustrators Rachel Clare Price, Emma Block and Rachel Lewis for a fun afternoon out at Pick Me Up graphic art fair. It was lovely being out in the fresh air and sunshine, despite my journey in being blighted by weekend tube works! Here is a round up of some of my favourite artists from the show.

(How could I resist so many bird-stuffed collages... even including owls, my favourite!)

(Beautiful, whimsical and dreamy with a gorgeous colour palette.)

(Colourful, bold work, with a strong folk-art vibe.)

Hope you enjoyed this post, and the sunshine! Thanks for reading, as always.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Om nom in my tum

I baked this last week and it was well tasty... makes me think I need to do some more baking this weekend! Maybe I'll do cupcakes this time...

Monday 7 March 2011

Flamingo mag launch night

Greetings all! Just dropping in quickly to share some piccies with you all from the Flamingo Magazine launch night which my buddy June Chanpoomidole was involved with - her piece of work is the one directly below. It was a fun night and I thoroughly enjoyed sipping some Swedish (or was it Norwegian?!) cider and sampling a shot of Agwa de Coca with a slice of lime. Just a quick note... I was stupid enough to forget to note down the names of the people the other pieces belong to - get in touch if it's yours or you know who did it, I'd like to add the artists to my networks online :3

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Frog shaped eggcups - more random stuff from my life

Welcome to March people! Spring is officially in the air - snowdrops and crocuses are popping up all over the place, my garden is chock full of birds and there seems to be a friend with a birthday almost every week. I've been enjoying the small amount of sunshine we've been getting, and cracking on with the owl painting I mentioned a couple of instalments ago, which is almost ready for me to start putting colour on it (excitement!)

Last May I visited a friend in Ireland, who took me to Giddy Studios, where you choose pottery pieces that you then paint! Since we didn't have any eggcups yet, I decided to get these cute little frog ones and make 'his and hers' souvenirs for me and the fiance. Since the pottery has to be fired after the glaze is applied, I needed to wait a while before I got to see them (and they've spent the best part of a year waiting for me to come and pick them up from another friend's house!) However, when I finally clapped eyes on them this Saturday I was very pleased. Mine is a Ziggy Stardust themed one (I'm a bit of a Bowie fan) and Chris' is a gaming related one. Boiled eggs for breakfast I think!