Wednesday 29 June 2011

Sketches of Siskins

Hi there folks! This week I'm working on a picture of a Siskin for a private commission. I think I can already reject the last sketch, he looks a bit too angry! Now to choose between the other three, hmmm... better get back to work - no rest for the wicked.

Thanks for reading, hope to see you soon x

Monday 20 June 2011

Photos of SORTED London at east Gallery

Hello folks! Yes, I know these should have been up on Saturday. However there were unforeseen circumstances... namely that I fell asleep when I should have been doing this blog post. I've had a cold lately which has been giving me a lot of disturbed nights, so I seem to be napping at all hours. Anyway, some commemorative photos if you missed the show - enjoy!

Thursday 16 June 2011

The birds are enormously grateful!

Hello hello! Well it's been a log week but SORTED London finally came to an close. It was a rather emotional finish, and we all procrastinated hugely when it came to taking our work down because we just didn't want the fun to end. The show was hugely successful, more so than any of us exhibitors anticipated. And that success was down to YOU! You lovely people, who travelled across London and the whole of Great Britain to come show your support for all of us. So to you, an enormous and very humble thank-you! However, I do understand that not everyone who wanted to come was able to make it. So, without further ado, I present the internet debut of my pieces for the show at last. Enjoy!

Wren and Dog-Rose

Redstart and Bluebells

Greenfinch, Primroses and Fritillaries

Starling and Hawthorn

The Nightingales

I'll be sure to post my photos of the show on saturday... after I've been swimming. I've not been in ages, excited!

Until then, peace people.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

My pieces for SORTED London - ooh you tease!

Only two more sleeps to go until SORTED London opens its doors to flood the East end with colourful illustrative goodness! I've made five completely new pieces for the show, all of which will be gracing the pages of this blog very shortly... however, I didn't want to give too much away too soon. So for the time being, here's a little teaser of each piece for you to enjoy!

After all, I don't wanna give the game away before you've had a chance to visit the show, do I? But if you don't have a chance to visit the show due to not being in the same city/country, or simply being too busy, don't worry! I will post up the complete pieces eventually, as well as photos of the show and private view for you to enjoy. For those of you that can make the show, I look forward to seeing you there!